Distance: 1.2 miles | Duration: 120 minutes | Habitats: woodland, riparian, grassland.
June 2020 Field Trip
We drove pass the ranch, turned around and parked on the side of the road, then we birded down the road to the orchard and back.
A female Pacific-slope Flycatcher was carrying food to its nestlings.
The male was watching us as we walked by.
We heard loud calls of a fledgling being fed on top of this cliff.
After struggling a few minutes, we located where the calls were coming from and focused the camera on a new life bird: a Canyon Wren fledgling!
The video revealed an additional quiet fledgling coming out of the crack between the rocks.
A Black-chinned Hummingbird was nearby.
As we continued to walk down the road, we noticed a small yellow bird and assumed it was an Orange-crowned Warbler. Actually, after reviewing the photo, we realized it was a new life bird, a Warbling Vireo.
A White-breasted Nuthatch.
A bird is hiding in this photo, can you identify it?
Answer: Turkey Vulture.
Oh, here is an Oak Titmouse grabbing food on the ground.
Click on the arrows, to find out what this Canyon Wren was doing.
A female House Wren was bringing food to the nesting cavity where several nestlings could be heard.
Another Black-chinned Hummingbird keeping track of us.
A male Hooded Oriole foraging high in a sycamore tree. A female was also present but not on the photo.
A pair of Western Bluebirds was catching insects to feed their nestlings, we looked for the nesting cavity but it was well hidden. The female was perched on a wire overlooking a small meadow.
This male Violet-green Swallow was also perched on a wire while the female went into a nesting cavity and remained there.
As we turned around, a Mule Deer was peacefully grazing in the bushes.
Ash-throated Flycatcher.
Interesting rock formations and hollow tree.
Other birds seen or heard were Anna's hummingbirds, Red-tailed Hawks, Acorn Woodpeckers, Northern Flickers, Black Phoebes, California Scrub-Jays, American Crows, Cliff Swallows, Wrentits, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, House Finches, Lesser Goldfinches, California Towhees and Spotted Towhees. A total of 26 species.
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